Carnegie Mellon University

CMU Housing Photo Room Tours

Also, be sure to check out the professional room tours available on the individual building pages, for select Housing buildings. Students can do a click-through tour of the actual room layout they are considering! (Note: Furniture, furniture layout, carpeting, etc., all subject to change.)

Professional room tours are available on the buildings page of/for the following buildings:

CMU Student Room Tours

CMU student residents provide video tours of their housing spaces. Explore these videos to help you decide where you want to live on campus next academic year!

Fifth Avenue Neighborhood

Fifth & Clyde House


Zoë Thorpe and Juno Hoffman show us around their double room in Fifth and Clyde House.

Fifth Neville Apartments

Apartment Double

Kevin Liu shows us around a double room in Fifth Neville Apartments.

The Highlands

Apartment Single

Duy Hoang shows us around an apartment single in Highlands.

Neville Apartments


Noni Shelton shows us around a Neville apartment.

Morewood Avenue Neighborhood

Morewood Gardens

Semi-Suite Double & Common Spaces

Caillou Pena shows us around a semi-suite double and common spaces in Morewood Gardens.

Margaret Morrison Avenue Neighborhood

West Wing House

Suite (video is a Resnik tour but West Wing is very similar.)

Suhas Kotha show us around a Resnik suite.



Themistokles Bournias shows us around a Roselawn House at CMU.


Apartment Single

Nubia Teklu shows us around a Woodlawn apartment at CMU.

Additional Housing Options