Carnegie Mellon University
School of Music

Where artistry and innovation share center stage



WE Concerto Competition Rules 2024-25
WE Concerto Competition Application 2024-25

Philharmonic Competition Rules


Application form

Introduction: The purpose of the School of Music Philharmonic Soloist Competition is to offer the opportunity for music students to perform as soloists with the Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic.

The preliminary round of the competition is on Saturday, March 15 at 1:00 PM, and the finals on Sunday, March 16 at 6:00 PM. The winner(s) of the 2025 Philharmonic Soloist Competition will be offered the opportunity to perform with the Carnegie Mellon Philharmonic during the 2025/26 academic year. Scheduling of the performance(s) is at the discretion of the Director of Orchestral Studies in consultation with the student winner(s).

All winners will receive a cash prize of $1,250. The Harry G. Archer Awards and the Pittsburgh Female College Association Prize will also be awarded as part of the Philharmonic Soloist Competition

Deadline for applications is Friday, February 28, 2025, at 5pm. There can be no exceptions. The application form can be found in the link above. 

All competitors must provide three copies of the piano score or the full orchestral score of the repertoire for use by the jurors. Scores are due to the HOA 102 office by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 14. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.

Rules of the Philharmonic Soloist Competition:

  1. All students majoring in music* and currently in good academic standing** are eligible to compete in the 2025 Philharmonic Soloist Competition.

*“Majoring in music” is defined as being enrolled full-time in one of the following: Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree program, any of the BXA options (must have a music concentration), Master of Music (MM) degree program (including Performance, Education, Composition, Collaborative Piano, and Music & Technology), any Advanced Music Study (AMS) program, and the Artist Diploma (AD) program.

** “Good academic standing” for the applicable semester is defined for an undergraduate student as receiving an A or B in Major Studio and no grade below a C in all other classes; for a graduate student as receiving an A or B in Major Studio and no grade below a B- in all other classes.

  1. There are two categories in the competition, undergraduate and graduate. The graduate category includes students enrolled in the Master of Music, Advanced Music Study, and Artist Diploma programs, and the undergraduate category includes students enrolled in the Bachelor of Fine Arts and all BXA (with music concentrations) programs.
  2. There can be two winners, one in each category. In an extraordinary circumstance, one additional winner can be named in either category (up to a maximum of three winners total).
  3. Jurors are under no obligation to declare a winner in either category.
  4. Previous Philharmonic Soloist Competition winners are not eligible to compete in the same category in which they were previously named a winner.
  5. Choice of competition repertoire is left to the competitor and his/her studio instructor, and must adhere to the requirements that follow herein. Studio teacher approval of the competition repertoire is signified by his/her signature on the competitor’s application form. By affixing his or her signature, the studio teacher also attests that the student is prepared to compete at the highest artistic level. The quality, length, and suitability of the musical piece performed by the competitor may be a criterion taken into account by the jury when assessing the performance.
  6. Repertoire performed in the competition by the winner(s) will be the repertoire performed with the Philharmonic in its next season - no substitution of repertoire is permitted.
  7. Competition repertoire is restricted to pieces written for one soloist only. Pieces calling for multiple soloists are not allowed.
  8. All competition repertoire must have been originally written for soloist with orchestra accompaniment. Transcriptions are allowed only if done or authorized by the composer.
  9. The preliminary-round audition is no more than 10 minutes in length, with movements and passages performed chosen by the jury.
  10. Accompaniment “tutti” cuts ARE permissible in the preliminary round. Accompaniment “tutti” cuts are NOT permissible in the final round.
  11. Competitors in the final round are required to perform the musical piece in its entirety.
  12. The results of the preliminary round will be announced as quickly as possible after the end of the round. If the preliminary round is divided over multiple days, the results will be announced after the last day’s auditions.
  13. Auditioning from memory is required for all competitors, with the exception of those performing solo pieces written in the past 50 years.
  14. Competitors must perform with accompaniment, and must provide his or her own collaborative pianist.
  15. Preliminary and final rounds are open to the public and may be recorded (audio and/or video) and/or streamed live via the internet.
  16. Professional demeanor is required of all competitors. The jury reserves the right to dismiss and disqualify any competitor failing to meet this standard.
  17. A competitor who fails to appear at his or her audition time will be immediately disqualified.
  18. Jurors’ written comments will be made available to each competitor from both the preliminary and final rounds as soon as practicable.
  19. Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
  20. No changes in repertoire after the application deadline are permitted.
  21.  No changes in repertoire after the application deadline are permitted.
  22. Withdrawing from the competition should be done via email and addressed to Jesse Montgomery, Director of Operations ( 

“To provide prizes for excellence in musical composition and in the rendition of music by instrument.”
The Harry G. Archer awards are $1,000 prizes designated for undergraduate music students in recognition of excellence in performance. These are awarded in conjunction with the Philharmonic Soloist Competition.

Three Harry G. Archer prizes will be awarded to the highest scoring competitor in each of the undergraduate years OTHER than that of the winner. For example, if the winner of the undergraduate category of the Philharmonic Soloist Competition is a senior, Archer prizes would then be designated for the highest scoring competitor from the freshman, sophomore, and junior classes.

A student must be in good academic standing to receive a Harry G. Archer Award.

“For the female music student who achieved the most artistic performance…”
The Pittsburgh Female College Association Prize ($250) will be awarded to the highest scoring undergraduate female in the Philharmonic Soloist Competition. If the Philharmonic Soloist Competition winner in the undergraduate category is a woman, the Pittsburgh Female College Association Prize will be added to the regular $1,250 prize.

A student must be in good academic standing to receive the Pittsburgh Female College Association Prize.

Chamber Music Competition Rules

The Chamber Music Competition will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025 at 3:00 PM


Application form

Rules of the competition:

  1. Chamber music groups of two or more persons are eligible to compete.
  2. All members of a competing chamber music group must be current, full-time music majors in good academic standing in the School of Music.

*“Majoring in music” is defined as being enrolled full-time in one of the following: Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree program, any of the BXA options (must have a music concentration), Master of Music (MM) degree program (including Performance, Education, Composition, Collaborative Piano, and Music & Technology), any Advanced Music Study (AMS) program, and the Artist Diploma (AD) program.

** “Good academic standing” for the applicable semester is defined for an undergraduate student as receiving an A or B in Major Studio and no grade below a C in all other classes; for a graduate student as receiving an A or B in Major Studio and no grade below a B- in all other classes.

  1. The application form must be signed by the group’s chamber coach by way of attesting to the group having attained the necessary level of competence and the choice of appropriate repertoire.
  2. Competition repertoire must be chamber music (not solo concerti with accompaniment). Questions with regard to the appropriateness of a specific selection can be submitted to Jesse Montgomery, Director of Operations ( and Dimitri Papadimitriou, Director of Performance and Studio Studies ( before February 9, 2025.
  3. Deadline for applications is Friday, March 14, 2025, at 5:00 P.M. There can be no exceptions. The application form can be found in the link above. 
  4. Participation in the School of Music Chamber Music Competition can count as the public performance requirement for chamber music groups enrolled in chamber music for credit  (57670, 57671, 57672).
  5. Competing groups must be prepared to perform complete works of at least 15 minutes in length. Preparing only selected movements, or a one-movement work of less than 15 minutes duration is not permitted.
  6. The juror(s) will choose the movements and/or portions of movements that the competing groups will perform in the competition.
  7. Professional concert attire is required. Stage deportment and presentation will be considered in the evaluation.
  8. Each group must provide the juror(s) with three (3) copies of the score of the piece to be performed. Scores are due to the HOA 102 office by 5:00 PM on Friday, March 28. Failure to do so will result in disqualification.
  9. Groups failing to appear at the appointed time will be disqualified.
  10. Each member of the winning group will receive $500.

13. Contact Jesse Montgomery at with questions and inquiries.